How To Protect Yourself Against The Hack That Fooled Twitter’s CEO

Oscar Armas Luy
7 min readJan 19, 2021

If they can get Jack Dorsey they can get you… learn the simple ways to protect yourself against Sim Swapping Attacks.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

Just last August Twitter’s own CEO, Jack Dorsey, had his handle @jack compromised by a group of hackers who took the opportunity to tweet antisemitic and racist remarks to his 4.2 million Twitter followers. After researching the issue, Twitter’s team confirmed that he had fallen victim to a Sim Swapping Attack. This same attack has been used to hack other high profile names like Jessica Alba and to drain the cryptocurrency and traditional bank accounts of normal people like you and me. Here’s an overview of how it all goes down and how to protect yourself from being next.

How Sim Swapping Works

Many secure websites and services such as banking, email, and social media now connect our mobile phone numbers as a second form of authentication and to verify that you are a real person. It’s easy as basically all of us have a mobile number and it creates a barrier to entry for bad actors who try to create lots of fake accounts. While it does provide some benefits and an additional level of security, this method has some pretty gaping vulnerabilities.

Sim Swapping is when a criminal contacts your phone company and social engineers



Oscar Armas Luy

Oscar is an entrepreneur and hobbyist with interests in personal finance, data science, and cybersecurity.